Why do we have adultery? That question has been in my mind ever since I watched the movie 'silsilay'. In some ways, I feel it was a biased movie with a feminist basis as all the men in it were shown to be callous and irresponsible. However, in society both men and women turn to adultery very often. Is it a product of the arranged marriage process in some cases or does it depend on the nature of the individual? Is it there in human nature to want multiple partners or is monogamy also a standard thought process and instinct? I feel that after all the time and emotional effort that is invested in nurturing a relationship, turning away from it is leaving a tree which has been brought to fruit, to die. Every new relationship is like planting a new tree--it takes time to bear fruit. But again, it also depends on the wants of the individual--do people who go for several partners serch for something they cannot find or is it just a whim? Does commitment to one partner have to be an enforced process? That may be one of the reasons for the ritual of marriage--otherwise the world might have been filles with polygamous people, maybe!
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