Tuesday, April 10, 2007


The dawn breaks the sky
The hungry eyes crave
The rays they cannot see
The rays can turn them blind

They want to penetrate
Yet they hesistate
Agitated in their chains

The sun is not far
No the sun is not far
Whispers the voice in the wind

Cranking their bodily machines
With some glassy stares in between
They bow their way along
The streets they do not see

But now the whisper strokes
Their hitherto unknown desire
Dreams of carefree meadows
An urge to touch the fire

The crawl becomes a run
Cutting the horizon of ceilings
With aching, blistered feet
And heads that are reeling

They have shed their despair
Now there is no bar
Ahead lies the single promise
That the sun is not far.


At 7:38 PM , Blogger Abhishek said...

I need an english teacher to walk me through this poem :)

This is very good. As a student often when we read poems, I could only understand what my experiences had shwon me. Then the professor or teacher would come in and would open a whole new dimension of feelings for me. This poem is perhaps one of those ..it will yeild glimpses of the future, past and present everytime you read it. So it worth being published a dicussed becuase it captures the pain of helplessness yet being hopeful ...


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